Proven And Effective Processes

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Proven And Effective Processes

Experience in commercial transactions allows Venture Shop to organize and manage your business sale or acquisition in an orderly and efficient manner that works best for all parties and other participating professionals.

Venture Shop’s first step after a seller or purchaser signs its Business Listing Agreement might be the crucial step in your selling and buying efforts.


Prior to commencing its work on the Business Listing Price Report, Venture Shop will conduct free-of-charge an assessment of the sufficiency of Owner’s business books and records needed to prepare such Report.

Venture Shop will identify for our client (seller or purchaser) the deficiencies Venture Shop has identified in such books and records.  Venture Shop will also suggest and recommend remedial actions our client seller should consider to cure such deficiencies, including, but not limited to, the retention of professionals other than Venture Shop to assist Owner in such remedial efforts.


Venture Shop requires all providers of business financials and information to verify and guarantee in writing that (a) any and all books and records provided to Venture Shop or any other party are those maintained in the ordinary course of the Business, (b) all federal, state and local tax returns that provided are true and accurate copies of those actually filed with the applicable governmental agency and (c) all verbal and written information that is provided by Venture Shop or any other party is true and correct and are free of all substantial and materials errors and omissions.

Venture Shop will also request permission to gather information from accountants and other professionals who assist the business with its financial affairs in the most efficient and timely manner as needed.  Selling parties are requested to provide to Venture Shop contact information for bookkeeping service, accountants, legal counsel and other financial professionals.


Venture Shop will also conduct individual interviews with management personnel of the seller’s and/or purchaser’s choosing, depending on availability.

These interviews will focus on the structure of the business, management, operational efficiencies, personnel, compensation packages, inventory, equipment and prospective new markets for the business.  Venture Shop will also potentially request Owner’s permission to gather information from accountants and other professionals who assist Owner with its business affairs.

Venture Shop will provide input along the way using its general knowledge of favorable, unfavorable and neutral business, financial and economic conditions, opportunities, forecasts and impediments relative to the local, regional and national industry and competitive environment(s) in which the business operates.


Our experience has shown that the sale and acquisition of a business gets off on the wrong foot due to the parties talking in unspecific, broad general terms.  Those discussions traditionally get reduced to a simple Letter of Intent which reconfirms those general terms. The parties really are only agreeing that they are going to continue efforts and talk but nothing much more than that.

Venture Shop starts out a little different.  Our experience tells us what essential contract elements need to be addressed and agreed-upon as quickly and efficiently as possible.

We do not write the sales and purchase agreement or other accompanying documents determined to be necessary by legal counsel.  We do, however, provide an outline of essential contract elements with full agreed-upon details from which other professional involved in the transaction can proceed to complete the transaction.

Upon the signing of confidentiality agreements, Venture Shop assures that purchasers are going to immediately have a full and near complete picture of all the terms and conditions are reasonably acceptable to the seller and which will not be considered.    In all offers presented by Venture Shop to sellers, detailed terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to the purchaser are going to be also clear and concise.

Knowing with clarity on the first offer what is going to be acceptable and what will be met with hesitation or no second thought is the best way to proceed for both seller and purchaser alike.

For the seller, there is piece-of-mind knowing there is a good and final offer in place.  For the purchaser, it relieves the anxiety that goes along with purchasing a new venture and livelihood.  With the details moving to the rear-view mirror, the purchaser can also focus on their new business opportunities, management, operations and the improvements and adjustments they see needed for continued success.

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  • Venture Shop: Our Team

    John A. Panyko is President and CEO of Venture Shop. He is a practicing member of the Florida Bar, Board Certified Tax Attorney and licensed real estate broker.

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